
When Covid hits, you shift to digital-first and double down on being a design-led company.

I joined AllBright as Design Director at the start of the pandemic. Until then, AllBright was a global career network for women with flagship houses for IRL meetings in London and Hollywood. Due to Covid, we had to pivot the entire business digital-first and within tight deadlines (5 weeks turnaround to launch an app, if you were wondering). They had already laid the foundation for the new product when I started. And while we were running with lighting speed to create the highly-rated app with a new look, the rest of the branding took a backseat and looked misaligned. I, therefore, decided to implement a complete brand refresh to guarantee that our new product and existing brand worlds don't collide and confuse. The refresh boosted brand recognition and user loyalty over a staged 6-month rollout period, and the app launch led to a 4.8* rating and a 900% membership increase in the first month. I directed and managed the design teams, digital global marketing communications, and social campaigns for increased reach, putting AllBright on the radar as a design-led business. Not enough? Learn about our newsletter redesign sprint, educational academy courses and more.

Role: Design Director


Key expertise: Design Direction, Creative Strategy, Design Leadership, Mentoring, Design Management

Allbright website and app on iPhone, iPad and laptop

Allbright is the world’s largest career network for women in business, established to connect, learn, and inspire across digital and physical spaces. Allbright is driven by the mission to make the world a better place to be a working woman and help people achieve their career ambitions.

A fresh brand refresh

Ten pages of AllBright brand guidelines

New creative strategy and design refresh

It was a must to guarantee that the brand develops with the pace of digital transformation. This boosted brand recognition, awareness, and user loyalty over a staged 6-month rollout period, putting AllBright on the radar as a design-led business. The brand book combined everything from visual identity to tone of voice to deep dives into every sub-brand, like academy courses and social or club applications.

Launching highly loved AllBright Digital

Four screens of AllBright App on iPhones for events, articles and membership
Visual representation of App Store features

Pivoting the business to digital-first

We launched the 1st version of our new product in just five weeks across web, iOS and Android. Within one month of 1st launch: 4.8* rating on the app store, a 900% increase in membership, a 50% conversation rate from trial to member, and MoM revenue growth of more than 25%. In collaboration with Planes. Expertise in iterative design processes.

Global digital campaigns

Direction for global digital brand campaigns to increase reach, user numbers, brand recognition and engagement.

2-week newsletter sprint reaching new markets

Three designs of AllBright newsletters

The newsletter redesign spanned 30+ newsletters for the UK, US, and AUS markets and was created in a two-week strategy and design sprint.

Social acceleration

iPad with AllBright instagram feed
Screens with instagram stories showcasing business women

Social was an organic growth channel, and the entire feed was redesigned with an evolving design direction. Creating innovative templates for non-designers increased scalability and speed, resulting in 2-3x faster turnaround times. We boosted audience growth and engagement across all social channels: +50k in one year and a combined total of over 100k+ followers across all social channels.

Find new content on the EDIT platform

Two screenshots of editorial page with article overviews

Visual overview of our editorial platform, where I created, directed and commissioned artwork for various features and partnerships.

Making learning more accessible with academy courses

Two iPads with digital business courses and three worksheets
Showcase of video storyboards for different formats

New video direction and interactive worksheets for AllBright Academy, featuring a vast range of masterclasses by leading female entrepreneurs.

— design, leadership, vision, strategy

Based in London.
© Katja Alissa Mueller, forever

Based in London.
© 2019, Katja Alissa Mueller

Based in London.
© 2019, Katja Alissa Mueller